Friday, March 1, 2013

Good for you!

I'm so happy for you! I see that you did 729 crafts with your child last night and posted every last one on FB. I, on the other hand, had great intentions. We got out the paint, and went downhill from there. It's about process not product, people. DUH.
I'm so glad you were able to get your two hour work out in, eat your salad, and stick to your diet all day. I too, was ready to workout and eat healthy all day. Then I realized that my name is Brook. And I love to eat. And I think about food 99% of the day.
I'm so happy you two were able to get away on your trip to Hawaii! What a wonderful way to spend time together! I spent time with my husband too! Yesterday, when he walked by me, grabbed my boob, and said, Good night. I haven't seen him yet today.
What a wonderful planned meals for the whole week for your family on Sunday night. Sunday night is meant for blogging. Because if I don't, I get death threat emails from my bestie and my family. Plan away, biotches.
You got a new puppy! How sweet!! I have a puppy too. He's 8 1/2 and he has allergies and ear issues that cause us to spend a billion dollars on him each month. I'm so busy I sometimes forget to feed him and he licks himself raw. But don't you worry. My dog is cuter than yours. 

I love your polish and your gel nails! Very Pretty! I use to get my nails done too! Three years ago. Now, I buy $.99 polish and paint them at night. When my nails are wet, I can't eat. So I do about 6 coats until I have to go to bed and then they get effed up from my sheets.
You download every learning app on your ipad for your children? What a great mom you are! I don't have an ipad. End of story.
Your child is doing some reading and they aren't even in Kindergarten yet?! WOW! So is mine. Boom.

The real story is that sometimes, people throw themselves a good ol' pity party because of this crap. I may or may not be super jealous of the Hawaii going, nails always done, crafting freaks. Sometimes I think, UGH, I wish that was me! And sometimes I'm really okay with the life I live. The fact that people only post what they want you to see (on social media sites) can really mess with a person's mind. Luckily, most of the time...I can get it together and talk behind their backs (kidding. or not)...and realize that I have nothing to prove to anyone. Anyone except myself. And the good news is that the majority of the time, I like me. I definitely don't like my body or my stubby fingers or my seven chins or the black bags under my eyes. I'd love to be able to think before I speak more often, and have more patience. But in general, I like me.

So, good for you, for being so awesome! I'm my own kind of awesome.

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