Saturday, March 16, 2013

21 things I've learned as a mom

What I've learned as a mom...

1) Don't compare, just be aware! Don't compare your child with his/her siblings or your friend's kids. But BE AWARE. We all think our child is perfect, which prevents some parents from really seeing when things aren't typical. So be observant!  

2) Time outs are more effective for parents than children. I love a time out. Time outs go with age, right?! So I should be able to give myself a 31 minute time out. I can't wait to misbehave! But for real, getting a few minutes alone can save a child's life! ;)

3) Twin toddler boys just might be the death of you. OR, at the least, they are good for wrinkles and bags under your eyes. I guess what I've learned is that twin toddler boys make a mom OLD. 
4) Your doctor is not a baby-God. Listen to what they say, trust your gut, and do what you feel is best. I promise you that doctors know a lot about the medical side of things, and not as much about 'parenting'. What your doctor says is not the end all be all.
5) If your daughter's hair pretty doesn't match her outfit, shoes, undies and coat, the world is not going to end. Yes, people judge you by your children, but it really doesn't matter. 

6) The grass isn't always greener on the other side, but it's okay to dream about it. Everyone tells you to live in the moment and cherish the time because before you know it, it's gone. I totally agree. But it's also okay to dream about life with no tantrums, no potty training and no bed time battles. Sure, different struggles will come and you might wish for the younger years back--but you are not a bad parent when you wish for a stage to be over.

7) Whole and 2% Milk curdles really fast. Especially when you have frickin' Houdini's in the house and you find sippies weeks later. Not fun. Those, just toss. It's worth paying $5 for a new sippy.
8) It might be hard in the beginning, but it will be easier in the end. This thought applies to everything. Parent like this. In an upside down triangle.

 Set rules and guidelines now, and stick with them. As your child grows, you can loosen the reigns a bit. This is, after you've instilled values, morals, limits... and taught them that you mean what you say. Continue to put vegetables on their plate every single meal. Set up the bedtime routine you want for the future. It's kind of like when they say, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Parent now, for the kids you want later
9) Sleep is amazing and I miss it. With all of my heart.

10) Your love of belting out profanity lyrics while bumping in your sweet ride is forever gone. However, mumbling profanity while your children bump each other in the back of the stupid mini van is not gone. I think it's here to stay forever.

11) Single Parents are amazeballs. I couldn't do it alone. Or if I did, I would be way more crabby and my kids wouldn't ever have clean clothes, that's for sure!

12) You do not need to spend $1000 on your baby's crib and changer. You get really mad when they chew on it and leave marks allllll over it. (Yes, mom. You can say 'I told you so')

This is one of my all time favs.

13) The way you speak to your children is the way they will speak to you. Period

14) Poop doesn't get better with age. Nor does vomit. But it is a good day when your child figures out how to get both of those inside the toilet.

15) Grandparents are amazing. They mean the world to your child, and your child means the world to them. Even though it might drive you crazy, being with them as much as you can is great for them both.
16) Let me just follow #15 with, your child will not get sick from not wearing a hat. Grandparents love to tell you that.
17) Brushing your child's teeth can look abusive. As can diaper changes at times. Or getting them dressed.
18) No matter how hard you try, there is no perfect work/home balance. Some days, I think about work more than my children. There are other days when they are the only thing on my mind.

19) Never try the meat baby food. Never. Unless you like eating ass. Then go for it.

20) A carpet cleaning machine is essential. Those should be standard on a baby registry. So should cleaning ladies. They should get those at Target and Babies R Us. I'd totally give that as a gift. And accept it too.

21) (My favorite number, which is why I just couldn't stop at 20). There is no greater gift in life. No greater love. I love being a mom.

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