Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blogger's Remorse

Have you ever said something to someone that you wished you wouldn't have said? I told you before that one thing I dislike about myself is my inability to just not say anything at all!! The same applies to blogging. Sometimes I write things that are just stupid. And lame. Or sometimes my husband says I swear too much. Or sometimes I write a whole post that's really negative....and then it haunts me for days on end. (like the last one) I think about what the post said and who I may have offended. When you blog, you end up publishing posts that reflect your attitude at that moment, and sometimes that's good, and sometimes it's bad.
 I even have bloggers remorse about starting 'confessions'. Do I really want the whole world to know what I'm thinking? And do they really care? But more so, do I actually have the time to put in to two blogs? Shake your head no. Because I don't.
I love writing. I love sharing my experiences as mama of the Bergie Bunch. I love blogging. But I wonder if it's time to just combine the two? Or stop confessions? Hmmm. Here I go again, thinking out loud, which often gets me in trouble. As does thinking too much. Which I pretty much have a PhD in.
I so appreciate the positive feedback from readers. I just want to make sure I'm not creating confessions to bitch about how hard being mama Bergie is. Because, it is hard. But it's also really fun too. I wouldn't change it for one second. Well...actually one second would be good. But that's about it. 2 seconds with out my Dramatic Miss P, Sensitive Hudders, Crazy Mad Mike and Silly Baby E would kill me.

Love from the B Bunch,


  1. I love reading about your family I don't get to see, I wish I lived closer so I could experience some of the chaos!

  2. Please continue! My husband works with Craig, so while I don't know you personally I can totally relate to 99.9% of everything you write! It honestly makes me laugh out loud at times (which as mamas we really need) and makes me feel like I'm not completely crazy since I know exactly what you're talking about in most of your posts (or at least if I am crazy we're crazy together)! I even read some of them out loud to my husband and we laugh together (I consider that our "quality time together" for the evening since that's about all we can squeeze in)! So thank you!!

  3. Thanks, Ashlee! I'm so glad you read! And I'm so glad I'm not alone! :)

  4. Ditto Ashley's comment. A friend shared your blog with me so I don't know you personally, BUT I can relate SO much to your life! As a working mom of two, I've experienced those crazy situations (except the poop on walls bit) and I look forward to reading how you deal with them! Your blog is terribly funny and it's reality! Keep it coming!!!
