Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Guest Story: Did I really just do that?

As a mom, there are moments we are really proud of, and moments we would rather re-do. Unfortunately, the moments that didn't go so well are those that stick with us forever. If you ask any mom, she'll be able to tell you a hand full of times in which she would have made a different decision. Like the time you set your infant on the chair and walked away to take a picture, and BOOM, off she goes! Or the time that you chose not to buckle your son in the high chair, and when you turned your back to finish lunch, he threw himself out and plummeted to the ground. Or the time you let your child have your iphone unsupervised, and when you walked back in the room they were watching "Gothic Dora", complete with swear words and...a goth Dora. Enough said.

The other day, I got an email from a good friend who has three boys. She's a saint. Having two boys is hard enough, but three could throw any normal person overboard! She shared a story with me that you all need to hear. Not so we can judge her ( remember this post? ) but so that you can understand that you are not alone! Or maybe I want to share it because it makes me feel like I am not alone! I've had my fair share of 'seriously, Brook?!' moments, so when someone else shares one with me, I like it.

Confessions Of A Proud Mom Moment....
Background: I took the boys to an indoor play park. My friend told me it can be hard to see your kids at all times with the tunnels and walls. So I was smart and dressed all 3 boys alike. We get there and thankfully there are only 3 or 4 other moms with their kids there so it's not busy at all. I asses the area and there is only 1 way to get in and out. The girl behind the desk has no idea what is going on as she continues to read her book.
Situation: Things are going great until Easton (3) says "I have to go potty." When a potty training child says they have to go there is no holding it. My reaction is "Spencer (4) keep an eye on Nolan (1), I'm taking Easton to the bathroom."  When we got into the bathroom I thought, did I really just leave my 4 year old in charge of my 1 year old?!?! While in the bathroom Easton tells me not only does he need to pee but he also needs to poop. Great! I continue to think about what is going on outside of the bathroom. Has Nolan fallen and cracked his head open? Did one of those other moms think Nolan is just to cute and decided to take him?!?! I didn't prepare Spencer for this. I should have told him to start yelling if someone tried to touch them. WHAT WAS I THINKING!???!! Finally Easton is done and we rush back out and what does Spencer say to me?? "Mom I lost Nolan I can't find him!" WHAT!!!! Why did I leave a 4 year old in charge of a 1 year old ....what was I thinking?! Oh my gosh I'm going to have to tell the police officer what he looks like. Thankfully I can show them what he was wearing as I have 2 more with the same outfit on. Where could he be? I start doing the doing the panicked run around but you don't want everyone to know your panicked just yet search for him. I send Spencer up the tree to look for him and what feels like an hour but I'm sure is only minutes later I heard Spencer yell "I found him mom he's up here!" Oh THANK GOD! I don't have to try and explain to Ryan how I lost our 1 year old because I put our 4 year old in charge.
Reality: I know I should have done the smart mom thing and taken them all with me in the bathroom. For sure the next time....maybe....

Now I know this mom is not alone. There are other moms out there who have done this same exact thing. You make such a quick decision, and then...there's no going back! It's not like she could then leave Easton in the bathroom alone to go grab the others! You do what you can do at the time, right?!
Some days, I feel like mom of the year. But most days, I don't. Some of us yell, some of us leave them alone with markers, some of us give them a sippy full of curdled milk, and some of us don't put the crib rail down soon enough. I may or may not have done everything listed above. It's all in a days work. It's motherhood. It's hard, but we do what we can. Just keep truckin'.

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