Monday, April 15, 2013


Why do children feel the need to eat everything? Okay. I do actually know the answer to this. I’m just asking a rhetorical question. But my LAWD.
The other day we found Everleigh with an empty bottle of ‘stress aroma’. It was a smallish bottle, but nonetheless, it was gone. We don't know where it went, but given the aroma on her FACE, we had some idea. Honestly, I don't know where it even came from. It’s not something I ever bought, nor do I ever remember seeing it. But she had it. And her lips and our bedroom floor were stress free, let me tell you.
Then this morning, I grabbed another tube of toothpaste from Ev. It was wet, and almost gone. I promise we feed our children—but by the way they all (minus P) eat toothpaste, you’d think they were starving. I can’t afford $3.00 for a tube of toothpaste to last 2 days because these fools love to eat it.
My kiddos have eaten their fair share of Vaseline, butt paste, wet toilet paper from the toilet, crayons, candles, floam, leaves, aaaaand garbage. Food n stuff, straight from the trash can. The best was coffee grounds. Because everyone has time to clean that up and get the kids ready and to work on time! One of them has even poop. Yep. She snagged some from the yard and took a taste. BARF! Because how do you even begin to make sure it's all out of a one year olds mouth? Grossest. Thing. Ever.
My first child challenged me in many ways, but eating everything she shouldn't...... she let me have a free pass on that one. Then number 3 and 4 came along. They took putting everything in their mouth to the extreme. I understand that when the kids are older, life will still be difficult. But promise me it will be less gross?! And that I won't have to worry all of the non-edible things becoming edible to the Bergie bunch. Mmmkay, thanks.

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